Monday, August 3, 2009

Back in stride again!

Hello Team:
We are starting our final week of bootcamp, the past 3weeks have been nothing less than life changing for me. I'm going to miss keeping in touch on a daily basic with the team however I will continue to keep in stride with my building a strong and powerful team of shoppers and World Changers. I have a radio promotion that I'm working along with my 2 daughters on the effects of 2nd hand smoke, that campaine launches today so we'll be at that most of the day. I'm looking to get the promoter of the project to do the same with MPM, I have a meeting with them on Wednesday it could mean State Wide exposure for us. I'll let you know how it goes. anyway lets make this week our best week of the Boot camp lets all go out with a BIG BANG!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Adrian!!!

    I learned this morning that you are somehow finding the time and energy to commit to our Customer Service Team!! Welcome! And, Congratulations!

    From your posts you're wrestling with a lot, externally and internally. You've set quite an example thus far during our Miracle Team Boot Camp.

    Thank you for your inspiration.

    I'm sure that you will have to walk a few miles on your own, but the good news is that with TEAM, there will always be someone nearby to lend support and encouragement, an ear and perspective.

    Remember it is time that ripens the fruit of the harvest --- therefore, remember to be gentle on yourself even as your worlds change; and enjoy the process of these shifts in your life rather than force them to happen too quickly.
