Friday, July 17, 2009

Getting Past The Wall

Hello Team:
I'm up at 8:00am this morning and I had an appointment with a fundraising person, he looked at the movie and made some comments that didn't make any since, he also had questions about where does the money come from? And before he left he said he'd try the program out and see how it works and then share it with his network of contacts if he see's it to be true. So after that I got on the phone and started making appointments to show it to large groups, it's time to really get the masses into this system! I made 3 appointments for next week to show leaders of Community Centers, Boys and Girls Club, and YWCA. I'm even trying to get my supervisor to take a look maybe he'll get caught up in the wave? I'm just working on getting past the wall of doubt and adversity that always comes when you start moving toward a worthy goal. I will be a success and help other to be more successful than they have ever been.
Thank you Jenny!


  1. Hi Adrian. You will get past the walls of doubt and adversity in this round. You have already overcome so much. Reading your "why" was so powerful and moving. You keep after it, and as you're doing so, be gentle on yourself. You're doing a wonderful job connecting with others. Stay connected to yourself in the process. Good to meet you . . .

  2. What a great first week! I am trying to catch up with all my fellow boot campers blogs. Have a great Day! Keep up the great Job!
    Wtg! Doubt and fear stops many from doing anything out of the norm. What a shame!

  3. Hi Adrian,

    Thank YOU for all you're doing to create freedom for yourself and your family - making a huge difference for people along the way!

