Monday, July 20, 2009

Look at the world with the eyes of love!

Hello Team :
Welcome back week 2 is here and I'm very excited, Iam an optimist; I assume the best of people. In fact, I see the bright side so often that I'm accused of wearing rose - colored glasses. It isn't true that looking at the world positively is a way to avoid facing reality.I am very realistic; I know evil exists. But I try to filter my view through the eyes of love. When the people you talk with feel the love that you send out to them, it allows them to open their minds and their hearts to hear you. So many people are hurting and need to know that someone really cares about them and believes in them. No one wants to be used then just tossed to the side like garbage, so really have love in your heart when you share this opportunity. As I view the world and it's great potential, my attitude enables me to look with greater compassion and love, thats the key to open a persons trust and belife in you!


  1. Adrian, I totally agree that love is the key. Besides, so often people will give back what they get, at least as much as they can, so your life is enriched by the love you give. Thank you for your inspiration.


  2. Amen! A friend of mine told me over the weekend that after 30 years of knowing me, she's convinced I must have A positive blood because I always look at things from a positive slant. :) I just know it's the best way to live and sure makes me - and the people - around me much happier.

    You are so right that people are drawn to love and caring. Want to open someone's heart? LOVE THEM, and make sure they know it. When I read your blog it is crystal clear why you are experiencing so much success.

    I'm so excited you're reaching out to so many non-profits in Milwaukee. I can hardly wait to see all the results. :)

